The MemeGoat DEX Aggregator enables you to trade SIP-10 tokens across different Liquidity Pools on Different DEXs On Stacks and gives you the Best rate all in One place in Real Time.
Here is a simple guide on how to use the DEX Aggregator
Step 1 : Have your wallet connected at MEMEGOAT
Connect a Supported Wallet:
Step 2: Select Pairs and Input amount
Step 3: Check and Adjust Slippage
Click on the Gear icon on the Top right Corner to Toggle the Slippage Options Modal Adjust to Your Preferred Value. NOTE: Very Low Slippage could cause a Transaction to Fail if Price changes occur; Very High Slippage could cause Price impact on Trade
Step 4: Confirm Transaction
Confirm the Transaction In your Wallet, adjust your Fees and Send
Step5: Transaction is sent
Your transaction has been sent and you can view it on the Explorer or Continue to MEMEGOAT
🎉 Congratulations you Just made a Swap With the MEMEGAOT Aggregator DEX
Last updated